What is a Secondary Plan?

    A land use planning tool used to outline a vision, plan, and policies to guide growth and change within a specific area of a municipality. It is implemented through an Official Plan amendment.

    What is an Official Plan?

    An Official Plan sets out a community’s vision and goals for the future. Its a policy document that guides the short-term and long-term development in your community. It applies to all lands within the municipal boundary and the policies within it provide direction for the size and location of land uses, provision of municipal services and facilities, and preparation of regulatory bylaws to control the development and use of land. 

    Check out the City of Peterborough’s Official Plan here: https://www.peterborough.ca/en/doing-business/official-plan.aspx

    What is a Zoning By-Law?

    A planning tool that controls the use of a parcel/land. Zoning By-Laws implement the Official Plan and provide for its day-to-day administration. Zoning By-Laws are legally enforceable, and construction or new development that doesn't comply with a zoning by-law is not allowed, and the municipality will refuse to issue a building permit. Zoning By-Laws set out detailed requirements such as minimum lot areas, maximum building height and number of parking spaces that need to be provided.

    What is a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS)?

    A land use planning tool available to municipalities in Ontario that combines zoning by-law amendments, site plan approvals and minor variances into a single application and approval process. A CPPS is implemented through a Community Planning Permit By-law, which replaces a municipality’s zoning by-law.

    What is a Strategic Growth Area?

    As defined in the City of Peterborough Official Plan, areas that are planned to:

    1. accommodate significant population and employment growth; 
    2. act as focal areas for education, commercial, recreational, and cultural uses; 
    3. accommodate and support the transit network and provide connection points for inter- and intra-regional transit; and,
    4. and support affordable, accessible, and equitable housing. 

    What is Land Use?

    Land use refers to the way land is utilized by property owners. Through land use planning, we can determine the best uses of lands to achieve the goals of the community, municipality or senior levels of government. Land uses are often classified into designations like “residential” or “commercial” and often outline what developments and uses are permitted.