Planning for the Future of our Strategic Growth Areas

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Banner showing images of Peterborough including the Market Hall, aerial views, and street views from downtown Peterborough

NEW: Explore our interactive Storymap! Learn more about how we are planning for growth in Peterborough and the choices we need to make, view maps, and get immersed in example 3D concepts to visualize opportunities to grow in our Strategic Growth Areas.

The City of Peterborough is developing a Secondary Plan and Community Planning Permit System for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas, as identified in the City’s New Official Plan as shown in Figure 1. The City of Peterborough has identified seven (7) key Strategic Growth Areas that will be the focus of the Secondary Plan, which are:

  1. Downtown Central Area
  2. Water Street North Corridor
  3. Chemong Road Corridor
  4. Clonsilla Avenue & Charlotte Street Corridor
  5. Lansdowne Street (West) Corridor
  6. Armour Road (North) Corridor
  7. Lansdowne Street (East) Corridor

The Strategic Growth Areas (as shown with a red outline in the figure below) were selected for this planning exercise as they are the focus for intensification over the coming years. These are the areas where the City is investing in supporting more housing supply and will need to provide the infrastructure and community facilities to support more people living, working and playing in these neighbourhoods.

Figure 1: Strategic Growth Areas in Peterborough

Map of the city showing the study area/strategic growth areas of the city

The Secondary Plan will update the Official Plan policies for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas and will be implemented using a new tool for the City, through a new Community Planning Permit By-law (CPP By-law). The Secondary Plan will establish the long‐term vision, built form, permissions, and priorities for growth. This will provide the foundation needed to implement the vision by establishing development thresholds, criteria, community benefits and conditions that will be implemented through a CPP By‐law. With the two planning tools coming forward together, the City will be able to achieve optimal results ‐ good planning with accelerated implementation and approvals. This project is in support of the overall Official Plan vision and supports the key goals of increasing housing supply and supporting greater connectivity and neighborhood level planning in these strategic areas.

Community Engagement

The CPP By-law is intended to facilitate a positive change in how development approvals are processed in the Strategic Growth Areas, so it is important that the community understands what is changing and has an opportunity to share feedback through this process before the By-law is finalized and implemented. The planned engagement approach is built around five main themes of the project with seven rounds of engagement, each with unique objectives as outlined in Figure 2 and in the Project Timelines section of this page. The engagement stages will directly inform the development of the following key deliverables of the project, which include:

  1. A Secondary Plan for the Strategic Growth Areas;
  2. Community Planning Permit By-Law; and,
  3. Implementation support, including training materials and training for City Staff and developers.

Figure 2: Engagement Process

Infographic of project phases and engagement process

Current Community Engagement Opportunities

There are no upcoming community engagement opportunities scheduled at this time. To receive project updates on upcoming engagement opportunities, subscribe to project page by clicking on the link in the top right corner or emailing us.

NEW: Explore our interactive Storymap! Learn more about how we are planning for growth in Peterborough and the choices we need to make, view maps, and get immersed in example 3D concepts to visualize opportunities to grow in our Strategic Growth Areas.

The City of Peterborough is developing a Secondary Plan and Community Planning Permit System for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas, as identified in the City’s New Official Plan as shown in Figure 1. The City of Peterborough has identified seven (7) key Strategic Growth Areas that will be the focus of the Secondary Plan, which are:

  1. Downtown Central Area
  2. Water Street North Corridor
  3. Chemong Road Corridor
  4. Clonsilla Avenue & Charlotte Street Corridor
  5. Lansdowne Street (West) Corridor
  6. Armour Road (North) Corridor
  7. Lansdowne Street (East) Corridor

The Strategic Growth Areas (as shown with a red outline in the figure below) were selected for this planning exercise as they are the focus for intensification over the coming years. These are the areas where the City is investing in supporting more housing supply and will need to provide the infrastructure and community facilities to support more people living, working and playing in these neighbourhoods.

Figure 1: Strategic Growth Areas in Peterborough

Map of the city showing the study area/strategic growth areas of the city

The Secondary Plan will update the Official Plan policies for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas and will be implemented using a new tool for the City, through a new Community Planning Permit By-law (CPP By-law). The Secondary Plan will establish the long‐term vision, built form, permissions, and priorities for growth. This will provide the foundation needed to implement the vision by establishing development thresholds, criteria, community benefits and conditions that will be implemented through a CPP By‐law. With the two planning tools coming forward together, the City will be able to achieve optimal results ‐ good planning with accelerated implementation and approvals. This project is in support of the overall Official Plan vision and supports the key goals of increasing housing supply and supporting greater connectivity and neighborhood level planning in these strategic areas.

Community Engagement

The CPP By-law is intended to facilitate a positive change in how development approvals are processed in the Strategic Growth Areas, so it is important that the community understands what is changing and has an opportunity to share feedback through this process before the By-law is finalized and implemented. The planned engagement approach is built around five main themes of the project with seven rounds of engagement, each with unique objectives as outlined in Figure 2 and in the Project Timelines section of this page. The engagement stages will directly inform the development of the following key deliverables of the project, which include:

  1. A Secondary Plan for the Strategic Growth Areas;
  2. Community Planning Permit By-Law; and,
  3. Implementation support, including training materials and training for City Staff and developers.

Figure 2: Engagement Process

Infographic of project phases and engagement process

Current Community Engagement Opportunities

There are no upcoming community engagement opportunities scheduled at this time. To receive project updates on upcoming engagement opportunities, subscribe to project page by clicking on the link in the top right corner or emailing us.

  • Upcoming Community Engagement Opportunities

    Share Upcoming Community Engagement Opportunities on Facebook Share Upcoming Community Engagement Opportunities on Twitter Share Upcoming Community Engagement Opportunities on Linkedin Email Upcoming Community Engagement Opportunities link

    illustration of different people at a meeting, sharing ideas and taking notes


    There will be multiple opportunities to provide feedback throughout the project process, including surveys, public meetings, workshops, interviews and working group meetings. Feedback will be documented and will be used to help inform the policies and directions that will be implemented through this exercise.

    The next round of community engagement is intended to collect feedback and input on the community vision for growth and will include the following activities:

    • Public Engagement: Early February 2025
    • Indigenous Community Outreach and Engagement: Ongoing

    To receive project updates, subscribe to project page by clicking on the link in the top right corner or emailing us.

    Stay tuned for more information on each round of engagement and how you can participate.

    Past Engagement Opportunities

    October 29, 2024: Coffee Conversation

    The City of Peterborough's Planning Division hosted a Coffee Conversation at the McDonnel Activity Centre. Copies of the display panels from the October 29th Coffee Conversation are available below.

    November 13, 2024: Downtown Farmer's Market Pop-up

    The City's Planning Division set-up a pop-up booth at Peterborough Square to introduce the project and get feedback on the guiding principles. Attendees were invited to provide their feedback on the display panels and online surveys.

    October 28 to November 22, 2024: Online Survey and Mapping Poll

    Participants were invited to share their perspectives on key priorities for Peterborough in planning for growth and development in our City’s Strategic Growth Areas through the online survey and mapping tool.

    February 6, 2025: Community Meeting

    Group of people at a roundtable discussing mapsThe City hosted a community meeting at the Healthy Planet Arena. Materials from the meeting are available below:

    1. Presentation Slides
    2. Video of Presentation with Voiceover
    3. Display Panels
    4. Draft Land Use Precinct and Proposed Building Heights (large map)
    5. Draft Transportation Concept (large map)
    6. Draft Parks Concept (large map)

    February 6 to March 5, 2025: Online Survey and Mapping Poll

    Participants were invited to explore the new Interactive Storymap and share their insights the secondary plan concepts for land uses, proposed building heights, parks and open space and priorities for development as it relates to community benefits through a survey and mapping poll.

    March 4 to 5, 2025: Trent University and Fleming College Pop-ups

    The City's Planning Division set-up a pop-up booth at Trent University and Fleming College to introduce the project and get feedback on the secondary plan concepts. Attendees were invited to provide their feedback on the online survey.

Page last updated: 25 Mar 2025, 01:57 PM