Planning for the Future of our Strategic Growth Areas
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NEW: Explore our interactive Storymap! Learn more about how we are planning for growth in Peterborough and the choices we need to make, view maps, and get immersed in example 3D concepts to visualize opportunities to grow in our Strategic Growth Areas. Don't forget to take our latest Poll to share your input on what matters most to you in how we plan for new development and community benefits.
The City of Peterborough is developing a Secondary Plan and Community Planning Permit System for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas, as identified in the City’s New Official Plan as shown in Figure 1. The City of Peterborough has identified seven (7) key Strategic Growth Areas that will be the focus of the Secondary Plan, which are:
Downtown Central Area
Water Street North Corridor
Chemong Road Corridor
Clonsilla Avenue & Charlotte Street Corridor
Lansdowne Street (West) Corridor
Armour Road (North) Corridor
Lansdowne Street (East) Corridor
The Strategic Growth Areas (as shown with a red outline in the figure below) were selected for this planning exercise as they are the focus for intensification over the coming years. These are the areas where the City is investing in supporting more housing supply and will need to provide the infrastructure and community facilities to support more people living, working and playing in these neighbourhoods.
Figure 1: Strategic Growth Areas in Peterborough
The Secondary Plan will update the Official Plan policies for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas and will be implemented using a new tool for the City, through a new Community Planning Permit By-law (CPP By-law). The Secondary Plan will establish the long‐term vision, built form, permissions, and priorities for growth. This will provide the foundation needed to implement the vision by establishing development thresholds, criteria, community benefits and conditions that will be implemented through a CPP By‐law. With the two planning tools coming forward together, the City will be able to achieve optimal results ‐ good planning with accelerated implementation and approvals. This project is in support of the overall Official Plan vision and supports the key goals of increasing housing supply and supporting greater connectivity and neighborhood level planning in these strategic areas.
Community Engagement
The CPP By-law is intended to facilitate a positive change in how development approvals are processed in the Strategic Growth Areas, so it is important that the community understands what is changing and has an opportunity to share feedback through this process before the By-law is finalized and implemented. The planned engagement approach is built around five main themes of the project with seven rounds of engagement, each with unique objectives as outlined in Figure 2 and in the Project Timelines section of this page. The engagement stages will directly inform the development of the following key deliverables of the project, which include:
A Secondary Plan for the Strategic Growth Areas;
Community Planning Permit By-Law; and,
Implementation support, including training materials and training for City Staff and developers.
Figure 2: Engagement Process
Current Community Engagement Opportunities
Link to Online SurveyThe online survey provides an opportunity to share your insights on how growth and development decisions are made in Peterborough’s Strategic Growth Areas over the next 30 years.
Your feedback will help shape policies for the Secondary Plan and inform the recommendations for the Community Planning Permit By-law (CPP By-law) that the City will present for public feedback in the spring.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The mapping poll provides an opportunity to share your comments on the following topics:
What do you think about the land use precincts and proposed locations for additional building height?
What do you think about the areas identified for future park needs - is there anything missing?
Past Engagement Sessions
Thank you to those who attended the Community Meeting on February 6th at the Healthy Planet Arena. Materials from the meeting (e.g., presentation, display panels, maps) are available in the links below.
For the materials from other previous community engagement sessions, view the Engagement Summary tab.
NEW: Explore our interactive Storymap! Learn more about how we are planning for growth in Peterborough and the choices we need to make, view maps, and get immersed in example 3D concepts to visualize opportunities to grow in our Strategic Growth Areas. Don't forget to take our latest Poll to share your input on what matters most to you in how we plan for new development and community benefits.
The City of Peterborough is developing a Secondary Plan and Community Planning Permit System for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas, as identified in the City’s New Official Plan as shown in Figure 1. The City of Peterborough has identified seven (7) key Strategic Growth Areas that will be the focus of the Secondary Plan, which are:
Downtown Central Area
Water Street North Corridor
Chemong Road Corridor
Clonsilla Avenue & Charlotte Street Corridor
Lansdowne Street (West) Corridor
Armour Road (North) Corridor
Lansdowne Street (East) Corridor
The Strategic Growth Areas (as shown with a red outline in the figure below) were selected for this planning exercise as they are the focus for intensification over the coming years. These are the areas where the City is investing in supporting more housing supply and will need to provide the infrastructure and community facilities to support more people living, working and playing in these neighbourhoods.
Figure 1: Strategic Growth Areas in Peterborough
The Secondary Plan will update the Official Plan policies for the City’s Strategic Growth Areas and will be implemented using a new tool for the City, through a new Community Planning Permit By-law (CPP By-law). The Secondary Plan will establish the long‐term vision, built form, permissions, and priorities for growth. This will provide the foundation needed to implement the vision by establishing development thresholds, criteria, community benefits and conditions that will be implemented through a CPP By‐law. With the two planning tools coming forward together, the City will be able to achieve optimal results ‐ good planning with accelerated implementation and approvals. This project is in support of the overall Official Plan vision and supports the key goals of increasing housing supply and supporting greater connectivity and neighborhood level planning in these strategic areas.
Community Engagement
The CPP By-law is intended to facilitate a positive change in how development approvals are processed in the Strategic Growth Areas, so it is important that the community understands what is changing and has an opportunity to share feedback through this process before the By-law is finalized and implemented. The planned engagement approach is built around five main themes of the project with seven rounds of engagement, each with unique objectives as outlined in Figure 2 and in the Project Timelines section of this page. The engagement stages will directly inform the development of the following key deliverables of the project, which include:
A Secondary Plan for the Strategic Growth Areas;
Community Planning Permit By-Law; and,
Implementation support, including training materials and training for City Staff and developers.
Figure 2: Engagement Process
Current Community Engagement Opportunities
Link to Online SurveyThe online survey provides an opportunity to share your insights on how growth and development decisions are made in Peterborough’s Strategic Growth Areas over the next 30 years.
Your feedback will help shape policies for the Secondary Plan and inform the recommendations for the Community Planning Permit By-law (CPP By-law) that the City will present for public feedback in the spring.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The mapping poll provides an opportunity to share your comments on the following topics:
What do you think about the land use precincts and proposed locations for additional building height?
What do you think about the areas identified for future park needs - is there anything missing?
Past Engagement Sessions
Thank you to those who attended the Community Meeting on February 6th at the Healthy Planet Arena. Materials from the meeting (e.g., presentation, display panels, maps) are available in the links below.
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Introduction Video to planning for the future of the City's Strategic Growth Areas
Introduction to planning for the future of the City's Strategic Growth Areas through a secondary plan and community planning permit system
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Community Meeting Presentation - February 6, 2025
Presentation with voiceover from February 6, 2025 community meeting
Community Advisory Group - Meeting Video Recordings
Click here to play video
Community Advisory Group - Kick-off Meeting - October 17, 2024
Community Advisory Group meeting dated October 17, 2024. Please note that this video has been edited to remove discussion periods to allow meeting attendees to participate comfortably and ask questions.
Click here to play video
Community Advisory Group - Meeting #2 - December 10, 2024
Community Advisory Group meeting dated December 10, 2024 to discuss preliminary concepts