Bonnerworth Park Redevelopment

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A child balances on play equipment.

Current status

The City will issue tender documents for the approved project with a final design informed by the project objectives, community feedback that has been received through the now-closed consultation periods, and technical studies with construction projected to begin in October 2024. Updates will be posted on this project page as the project proceeds.

Draft Plan review by advisory committees

A draft plan for the Bonnerworth Park was presented to a combined meeting of the Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Accessibility Advisory Committee on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.

Public comments on the draft plan, which can be viewed through the documents area on this project page, were received between August 8 and August 21, 2024 for consideration ahead of finalizing the project plan. A summary of the feedback from the most recent consultation phase will be posted on this project page.

Project reports and documents, including technical studies, are posted under the Documents section of the project page.

What's Happening

The City of Peterborough is inviting residents to learn about the proposed redevelopment of Bonnerworth Park and provide feedback. The park is located at 560 McDonnel Street in Town Ward 3.

The new Bonnerworth Park will include new pickleball courts, a bike pump track, an expanded skatepark and associated landscape and lighting. Looking for tennis? 4 new tennis courts are being installed through at Knights of Columbus, through its redevelopment project. If you would like to provide feedback on tennis, please visit the Knights of Columbus project page.

City parks will incorporate features for all ages with a focus on improving accessibility within the parks.

Bonnerworth Park was identified as a priority project in the City's Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facility Study which identified key objectives to improve and expand opportunities to support recreation across the City. Pickleball was identified as a priority sport to meet the demand for facilities for one of the fastest-growing sports in the country.

A Traffic Impact Study and Parking Plan were completed as part of this project. To support the Bonnerworth Park redevelopment, the design of active transportation and related road improvements will be completed. This will include new sidewalks along Bonaccord Street and connections to the surrounding areas.

What we heard

Online Survey

844 people responded to the Bonnerworth Park Redevelopment Survey. The survey showed 428 people would drive to the park, 369 would walk/run and 351 would bike. The survey showed a strong support for more tree planting and shade structures being high priority items. Respondents were able to provide additional comment at the end of the survey, 481 people chose to leave an additional comment that included comments on how much they were looking forward to having a pickleball, expanded skatepark and bike pump track opportunity in the community, concerns of noise from pickleball, the removal of baseball diamonds and comments about increased traffic and parking. Comments have been summarized and posted on the project webpage. The concerns noted will be reviewed and addressed by the project team through the design process as the project progresses.

Bonnerworth Park survey results summary is available.

Future information about the project and a concept plan will be updated on the Connect Peterborough project page as they come available.

Public Drop-In Session

A public drop-in session was held on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at the McDonnel Street Community Centre. Feedback from this meeting will be included in a summary once the online survey closes.

The Presentation Boards from the public consultation represents the vision for the project and identifies the elements provided in the park.

Current status

The City will issue tender documents for the approved project with a final design informed by the project objectives, community feedback that has been received through the now-closed consultation periods, and technical studies with construction projected to begin in October 2024. Updates will be posted on this project page as the project proceeds.

Draft Plan review by advisory committees

A draft plan for the Bonnerworth Park was presented to a combined meeting of the Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Accessibility Advisory Committee on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.

Public comments on the draft plan, which can be viewed through the documents area on this project page, were received between August 8 and August 21, 2024 for consideration ahead of finalizing the project plan. A summary of the feedback from the most recent consultation phase will be posted on this project page.

Project reports and documents, including technical studies, are posted under the Documents section of the project page.

What's Happening

The City of Peterborough is inviting residents to learn about the proposed redevelopment of Bonnerworth Park and provide feedback. The park is located at 560 McDonnel Street in Town Ward 3.

The new Bonnerworth Park will include new pickleball courts, a bike pump track, an expanded skatepark and associated landscape and lighting. Looking for tennis? 4 new tennis courts are being installed through at Knights of Columbus, through its redevelopment project. If you would like to provide feedback on tennis, please visit the Knights of Columbus project page.

City parks will incorporate features for all ages with a focus on improving accessibility within the parks.

Bonnerworth Park was identified as a priority project in the City's Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facility Study which identified key objectives to improve and expand opportunities to support recreation across the City. Pickleball was identified as a priority sport to meet the demand for facilities for one of the fastest-growing sports in the country.

A Traffic Impact Study and Parking Plan were completed as part of this project. To support the Bonnerworth Park redevelopment, the design of active transportation and related road improvements will be completed. This will include new sidewalks along Bonaccord Street and connections to the surrounding areas.

What we heard

Online Survey

844 people responded to the Bonnerworth Park Redevelopment Survey. The survey showed 428 people would drive to the park, 369 would walk/run and 351 would bike. The survey showed a strong support for more tree planting and shade structures being high priority items. Respondents were able to provide additional comment at the end of the survey, 481 people chose to leave an additional comment that included comments on how much they were looking forward to having a pickleball, expanded skatepark and bike pump track opportunity in the community, concerns of noise from pickleball, the removal of baseball diamonds and comments about increased traffic and parking. Comments have been summarized and posted on the project webpage. The concerns noted will be reviewed and addressed by the project team through the design process as the project progresses.

Bonnerworth Park survey results summary is available.

Future information about the project and a concept plan will be updated on the Connect Peterborough project page as they come available.

Public Drop-In Session

A public drop-in session was held on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at the McDonnel Street Community Centre. Feedback from this meeting will be included in a summary once the online survey closes.

The Presentation Boards from the public consultation represents the vision for the project and identifies the elements provided in the park.

  • Bonnerworth Park project draft plan

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    A draft plan for the Bonnerworth Park project, which will include an expanded skateboard park, a new bike pump track, pickleball courts, planting trees, and landscaping, will be reviewed during a combined meeting of the Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Accessibility Advisory Committee on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

    The meeting will be livestreamed on the City’s website at There are no public delegations at advisory committee meetings.

    The draft plan shows features such as:

    • About 275 trees will be planted in the park
    • About 63% of the site will be green space – landscaped/grass
    • Setbacks from neighbouring properties
    • Noise attenuation measures, including noise attenuation fencing and landscaping such as berms
    • The location of 14 pickleball courts, down from 16 when the concept was initially introduced
    • The location of the new bike pump track that will be designed with grass areas between the bike paths
    • The expansion of the existing skateboard park
    • Parking areas totalling 44 spaces, which is a reduction from a previous concept
    • Pathways within the park

    The agenda package for the meeting is available at

    The two advisory committees will have an opportunity to provide feedback about the draft plan for consideration before the City finalizes the document ahead of construction, which is expected to begin this fall.

    Public comments on the draft plan, which can be viewed through the City’s community engagement hub at, can be submitted using the comments tool on the project page at, by sending an email to or by calling 705-742-0050 ext. 2226#. Public comments can be submitted until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2024 for consideration ahead of finalizing the project plan.

    The project team is considering feedback from community consultation, including feedback from the Arenas, Parks, and Recreation Advisory Committee, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, and broader public feedback from the consultation process, before finalizing the draft plan for the project.

    The draft plan is also informed by various studies and factors such as noise studies, traffic flow, groundwater conditions, and stormwater management.

    Community consultation for the Bonnerworth Park project, along with the Knights of Columbus Park project, was undertaken from February through April 2024 with two surveys, two public meetings, and meetings with recreation facility user groups related to the two projects.

    City Council gave initial approval to the Bonnerworth Park project when it approved the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study in October 2023. It approved the Bonnerworth Park project in the City’s 2024 Budget in December 2023.


  • Statement on Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus Parks

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    There’s been a lot of discussion about the Bonnerworth Park project over the last several months as the City gets ready to invest in recreation features in the park. Here’s a bit of an overview of how we got here and what’s coming at both Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus Park.

    The Bonnerworth Park and Knights of Columbus Park projects are about investing in and rejuvenating those community parks that are already used for active outdoor recreation purposes, as part of a larger plan for outdoor recreation facilities throughout the city.

    Healthy, thriving cities have parks and recreation facilities that meet the changing needs of their residents.

    The City of Peterborough is taking a strategic approach to park planning, including the most recent Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study, which included engagement with residents and stakeholder groups. Council approved the plan in fall of 2023. The first project to come from that plan is investments in two centrally located parks on main arterial roads with good access to transit routes that were identified as recreation hubs serving the broader community, not just the immediately adjacent neighbourhoods.

    What’s there now

    Bonnerworth Park at Monaghan Road and McDonnel Street is an active-use park with two baseball fields, four tennis courts, a skateboard park, and a parking lot. The existing four tennis courts currently serve as multi-sport courts and operate as either four tennis courts, or eight pickleball courts. depending on the user’s preference. are regularly used for pickleball – which accommodate eight pickleball courts on the existing four tennis courts.

    Knights of Columbus Park on Park Street includes the Legacy Bowl for outdoor lacrosse and other outdoor concrete pad sport uses, a playground, four pickleball courts, a wading pool, and a parking lot.

    Both parks are in need of rejuvenation and investment.

    They’re active use parks with Bonnerworth already mostly covered by sport fields and facilities. Across the street from Bonnerworth is Hamilton Park and an entrance to Jackson Park.


    For Bonnerworth Park, the outdoor recreation facilities study recommended the City invest in expanding the skateboard park, creating a new bike pump track, and adding 16 pickleball courts.

    The tennis courts at Bonnerworth will be removed and new tennis courts will be built at Knights of Columbus Park. This will ensure no loss in total tennis courts for the City overall.

    The baseball fields at Bonnerworth are low-quality fields that are underutilized, with an average use of two hours a day over the entire week, typically just between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. They will be removed; however, the capacity will be offset as the City has already started to invest in maintaining and adding capacity of baseball fields in other parks, with the ball diamond at Stacey Green Park upgraded ahead of this season and two more ball diamonds slated for upgrades for next year.

    At Knights of Columbus, besides the new tennis courts, the City will plan for upgrades to the Legacy Bowl, pathways in the park, a shade structure, a park washroom, upgrading the wading pool to a splash pad, and other enhancements to improve the space.

    Pickleball is a well-established sport in Canada with a strong and growing presence in Peterborough. It is a low-cost sport that is being embraced by all ages and all socio-economic groups. Pickleball players are using the few pickleball courts that are available, but since the City doesn’t have enough facilities to meet demand, they are improvising by using tennis courts and multi-purpose gymnasiums. Similar to how the City invests in soccer fields, football fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, multi-use facilities, and ice pads – and charges user fees to offset costs – this investment begins to address the recreational needs of City residents.

    How we got here

    Council approved the $2-million budget for the first phase of the Bonnerworth project in the City’s 2024 Budget in December 2023, including a $2.4-million pre-commitment for the second phase of the project in 2025.

    The total $4.4-million project budget is for the complete Bonnerworth project, including the expanded skateboard park, the specialized bike pump track, the new pickleball courts, and associated landscaping.

    The first phase of the Knights of Columbus project to build four new tennis courts with associated lighting was also approved in the City’s 2024 Budget.

    A coordinated investment in those two parks was supported by City Council as part of the approval of outdoor recreation facilities study in October 2023.

    Here’s a high level rundown of some key dates in the process:

    • July 2018-October 2019 – Assessment of Parks and Open Space done by consultant to provide recommended facility needs based on usage statistics and population projections, as well as an analysis of all parks.

    • February 2020 – Assessment of Parks and Open Space report presented to Council.

    • June 2021 – Parks and Open Space Implementation Plan to set out a process for parks planning and provide a process for addressing new requests for parks facilities is presented to the City’s Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, which is a citizen’s advisory committee that provides feedback for City activities.

    • October 2022 – Surveys for pickleball and tennis facility needs, with 258 and 97 responses, respectively.

    • June 2023 – Stakeholder consultations with tennis and pickleball facility user groups.

    • July 2023 – Focus group meetings with ball field and sport field facility user groups.

    • August 2023 – Meetings with representatives from school boards and post-secondary institutions on parks and sport fields needs in their organizations.

    • August 2023 – Meetings with representatives from townships and First Nations to review Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study.

    • August 2023 – Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee special meeting to review results from the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study, including the recommendations for the Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus projects.

    • October 2023 – Draft Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study posted for public review and emailed to all participants of public and stakeholder consultation meetings that had occurred throughout the process.

    • October 10, 2023 – City Council considers and endorses Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study during its General Committee meeting.

    • October 23, 2023 – City Council unanimously approves the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study during its regular Council meeting, which included delegations from residents and sport user groups. As part of this approval, Council provided specific direction on the Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus projects.

    • December 2023 – City Council unanimously approves the City’s 2024 Budget, which includes the first phase of the Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus projects as well as a pre-commitment for the second phase of the Bonnerworth project in 2025.

    • February 2024 to April 2024 – Consultations specific to Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus projects launched, with surveys for the two generating 833 and 101 responses, respectively. There were more than 5,500 visitors to the Bonnerworth project page and 852 visitors to the Knights of Columbus project page.

    • March 19, 2024 – City met with representatives from cycling community, pickleball facility users, and the Peterborough Skateboard Coalition about the Bonnerworth project design.

    • March 21, 2024 – City held a public information session about the Bonnerworth project with an estimated attendance of more than 100 people. Invitations were dropped off at homes in the surrounding neighbourhoods and posters were put up at the park to promote the meeting, along with promotion online and through local media.

    • April 4, 2024 – City met with tennis community representatives about the Knights of Columbus project.

    • April 4, 2024 – City held a public information session about Knights of Columbus project, with an estimated attendance of about 50 people, including about 20 people who attended to speak with City representatives about the Bonnerworth project and who met separately with senior City staff for questions and answers.

    • April 2, 2024 – City Council considers and does not support a motion to look at alternatives for the Bonnerworth Park project.

    • April 8, 2024 – City Council hears public delegations on the Bonnerworth Park project and considers a motion to look at alternatives. Council did not support motion to look at alternatives to the Bonnerworth project. Project proceeds as previously approved by Council.

    • May 13, 2024 – A Notice of Motion is put forward at City Council’s General Committee meeting to have City Council provide approval for the Bonnerworth project after Council considers the site plan, final technical studies, a record of consultation, and the cost of each aspect of the construction. Council upholds the meeting Chairperson’s decision to rule the motion out of order based on the previous Council direction regarding the project.

    The City has heard from residents and stakeholder groups, with two main concerns being noise associated with pickleball and the amount of parking that is being contemplated for the Bonnerworth project, as well as comments by some that the ball diamonds are viewed as general greenspace that should not be replaced with other active use outdoor recreation facilities.

    The City is doing the detailed design work and the necessary studies, including noise and traffic studies, which will inform the final design. Noise attenuation – the need to manage potential noise impacts – is included as part of the project budget.

    What’s next

    In addition to the previous input from community consultation and stakeholder groups, background studies will be completed to inform the detailed design of the project.

    Phase 1 of the Bonnerworth and Knights of Columbus projects includes the construction of pickleball courts at Bonnerworth park (with any necessary landscaping and sound attenuation) and the tennis courts at Knights of Columbus this year. Council has pre-committed funding in the City’s 2025 Budget for Phase 2 of Bonnerworth Park for next year, which will include expanding the skateboard park and building a new bike pump track.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

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    Are you removing the tennis courts from Bonnerworth Park?

    This redevelopment project is tied closely with the Knights of Columbus redevelopment project, which includes the installation of 4 new tennis courts. The tennis courts from Bonnerworth are being relocated to Knights of Columbus to provide each sport with their own active recreation hubs, as it is not conducive to locate pickleball and tennis at the same location. If you would like to provide feedback on the tennis facilities being installed at Knights of Columbus, please visit the Knights of Columbus Redevelopment project page.

    How many pickleball courts are you installing?

    16 pickleball courts are recommended for this site, including one oversized accessible court. Bonnerworth Park is an ideal location for this due to its size, allowing for sound deadening supports.

    Are you removing the baseball diamonds?

    As the Outdoor Recreation Facility Study notes, there is currently an oversupply of ball diamonds in Peterborough. The ball diamonds at Bonnerworth are limited in the types of activities that can occur due to their size and proximity to the roads, tennis, and skateboard park. Similar to the plans for tennis courts, staff are recommending relocations of these diamonds by upgrading other sites.

    Are you expanding the skateboard park?

    Yes! As the Outdoor Recreation Facility Study notes, there is a current shortfall of 15,800 sq. ft. for skateboarding facilities within the Peterborough Region. This project intends to correct this shortfall.

    What is a bike track? Why is one being installed?

    Bike tracks are an emerging sport with tracks being developed in many municipalities throughout Ontario. These tracks provide a continuous route for all ages and abilities on all types of wheels to enjoy the track with continuous momentum. There is a current shortfall of a 1,300 to 2,000 sq. m. facility for the Peterborough region. This project intends to correct this shortfall.

    Will you increase parking?

    Additional parking will be provided to accommodate the various user groups accessing this site.

    I am concerned about traffic.

    A traffic study will be completed as part of this project. Recommendations may include cross walks at McDonnel and Bonnacord streets, as well as a review of available sidewalks to ensure park users have safe access points from various park entrances.

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 11:55 AM