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Consultation has concluded
Thank you for engaging in developing the City's 2021 Budget.
Your contributions will help inform City Council's decision.
The Draft Budget documents have been posted and are available in the documents list on this page.
The Draft 2021 Budget reflects a 2.99% all-inclusive (municipal, education and sewer surcharge) property tax increase for the median residential property not on water, which would be an increase of $123.74 – or $10.31 a month.
Early in the 2021 Budget process, we ask residents about their budget priorities and about what City programs, projects and services are important to them. For this year's consultation, we also asked residents to share their ideas on how the City should invest the money from the sale of Peterborough Distribution Inc.
With the COVID-19-related cancellation of in-person, drop-in meetings during the first phase of our consultation on the 2021 Budget, we extended the online survey to provide another opportunity for public input. We have reported back to the community through a "What we heard" report to share the input gathered through the consultation.
On this page, you'll find key dates, contacts, and resources to learn more about the budget as well as various ways to share your ideas and feedback.
Thank you for engaging in developing the City's 2021 Budget.
Your contributions will help inform City Council's decision.
The Draft Budget documents have been posted and are available in the documents list on this page.
The Draft 2021 Budget reflects a 2.99% all-inclusive (municipal, education and sewer surcharge) property tax increase for the median residential property not on water, which would be an increase of $123.74 – or $10.31 a month.
Early in the 2021 Budget process, we ask residents about their budget priorities and about what City programs, projects and services are important to them. For this year's consultation, we also asked residents to share their ideas on how the City should invest the money from the sale of Peterborough Distribution Inc.
With the COVID-19-related cancellation of in-person, drop-in meetings during the first phase of our consultation on the 2021 Budget, we extended the online survey to provide another opportunity for public input. We have reported back to the community through a "What we heard" report to share the input gathered through the consultation.
On this page, you'll find key dates, contacts, and resources to learn more about the budget as well as various ways to share your ideas and feedback.
This survey is now closed. We will be producing a "What We Heard" report on the results from the survey as well as the in-person consultation that will be posted for the community and provided for Council's consideration as part of the 2021 Budget process.
Thank you for contributing to the creation of the draft 2021 Budget.
This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey results will be reported back to the community through a report and provided to City Council for its consideration.
Each year, Council considers community priorities, expected service levels, and legislated responsibilities as it sets the operating and capital budgets for the City of Peterborough.
The process to create the budget for next year starts early in the current year with community consultation and estimating pressures and opportunities that may affect the budget for the following year. The community input and financial forecast is provided to Council before it gives direction on preparing the draft budget.
This survey is one of the ways that the City consults with the community on priorities as part of the budget process. There are also public meetings, drop-in sessions for more informal conversations, and online consultation tools through Connect Peterborough at Residents also have the option of directly calling and emailing City staff and Council members.
Consultation has concluded
Share 2021 Budget survey: Community priorities and proceeds from the sale of PDI on FacebookShare 2021 Budget survey: Community priorities and proceeds from the sale of PDI on TwitterShare 2021 Budget survey: Community priorities and proceeds from the sale of PDI on LinkedinEmail 2021 Budget survey: Community priorities and proceeds from the sale of PDI link
Treasurer and Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services
City of Peterborough
Project timeline
Consultation on budget priorities
2021 Budget has finished this stage
February-April - Community consultation on priorities for the 2021 Budget
2021 Budget guideline approval
2021 Budget has finished this stage
July 2020 - City Council approval of the guideline for developing the 2021 Budget
Drafting the 2021 Budget
2021 Budget has finished this stage
Summer-Fall 2020 - City staff drafting the recommended 2020 Budget for Council's consideration, based on the approved 2021 Budget guideline as well as community priorities, legislated requirements and expected service levels
Public review and feedback
2021 Budget has finished this stage
Fall 2020 - Draft 2021 Budget is presented to Council and posted for public review and feedback
2020 Budget deliberations
2021 Budget has finished this stage
Winter 2020 - City Council deliberations on the 2021 Budget during Finance Committee meetings
City Council approval
2021 Budget has finished this stage
Winter 2020 - City Council approval of 2020 Budget