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2021 Budget survey: Community priorities and proceeds from the sale of PDI

Thank you for contributing to the creation of the draft 2021 Budget.

This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey results will be reported back to the community through a report and provided to City Council for its consideration.

Each year, Council considers community priorities, expected service levels, and legislated responsibilities as it sets the operating and capital budgets for the City of Peterborough.

The process to create the budget for next year starts early in the current year with community consultation and estimating pressures and opportunities that may affect the budget for the following year. The community input and financial forecast is provided to Council before it gives direction on preparing the draft budget.

This survey is one of the ways that the City consults with the community on priorities as part of the budget process. There are also public meetings, drop-in sessions for more informal conversations, and online consultation tools through Connect Peterborough at Residents also have the option of directly calling and emailing City staff and Council members.