Official Plan Update
Consultation has concluded
The City of Peterborough's new Official Plan is a document that sets the vision and direction for growth and development of the City to the year 2051. By the year 2051, the City is expected to grow to a population of 125,000 people and 63,000 jobs – an increase of about 42,000 people and 18,000 jobs from 2016.
November 29, 2021: Council Adoption
On November 29, 2021, City Council adopted the City of Peterborough's new Official Plan through By-law Number 21-105.
April 11, 2023: Provincial Approval
The Province of Ontario issued a Notice of Decision on April 11, 2023 approving, with modifications, the new City of Peterborough Official Plan. The new Official Plan is in effect as of April 11, 2023. Please visit the Official Plan Update webpage for more information and the Environmental Registry of Ontario to review the Province's decision.
December 6, 2023: Bill 150, Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023
On November 16, 2023, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing introduced Bill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 to reverse the official plan decisions made in November 2022 and April 2023 affecting 12 municipalities, including the City of Peterborough, except in circumstances where construction has begun or where doing so would contravene existing provincial legislation and regulations or to protect public health and safety. The City provided a response to the Province on December 5, 2023. Bill 150 received Royal Assent on December 6, 2023.
May 16, 2024: Bill 162, Get It Done Act, 2024
On February 20, 2024, the Province introduced Bill 162, the Get It Done Act, 2024 to update official plans in response to municipal feedback received regarding Bill 150. The City provided a response to the Province on March 19, 2024. Bill 162 received Royal Assent on May 16, 2024. A copy of the Official Plan reflecting the changes introduced through Bill 162 is available on the Official Plan webpage.
The City of Peterborough's new Official Plan is a document that sets the vision and direction for growth and development of the City to the year 2051. By the year 2051, the City is expected to grow to a population of 125,000 people and 63,000 jobs – an increase of about 42,000 people and 18,000 jobs from 2016.
November 29, 2021: Council Adoption
On November 29, 2021, City Council adopted the City of Peterborough's new Official Plan through By-law Number 21-105.
April 11, 2023: Provincial Approval
The Province of Ontario issued a Notice of Decision on April 11, 2023 approving, with modifications, the new City of Peterborough Official Plan. The new Official Plan is in effect as of April 11, 2023. Please visit the Official Plan Update webpage for more information and the Environmental Registry of Ontario to review the Province's decision.
December 6, 2023: Bill 150, Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023
On November 16, 2023, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing introduced Bill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 to reverse the official plan decisions made in November 2022 and April 2023 affecting 12 municipalities, including the City of Peterborough, except in circumstances where construction has begun or where doing so would contravene existing provincial legislation and regulations or to protect public health and safety. The City provided a response to the Province on December 5, 2023. Bill 150 received Royal Assent on December 6, 2023.
May 16, 2024: Bill 162, Get It Done Act, 2024
On February 20, 2024, the Province introduced Bill 162, the Get It Done Act, 2024 to update official plans in response to municipal feedback received regarding Bill 150. The City provided a response to the Province on March 19, 2024. Bill 162 received Royal Assent on May 16, 2024. A copy of the Official Plan reflecting the changes introduced through Bill 162 is available on the Official Plan webpage.
Approved Official Plan - April 11, 2023
Share Approved Official Plan - April 11, 2023 on Facebook Share Approved Official Plan - April 11, 2023 on Twitter Share Approved Official Plan - April 11, 2023 on Linkedin Email Approved Official Plan - April 11, 2023 linkThe City’s new Official Plan is now in effect, as of April 11, 2023. It replaces the City’s current Official Plan as well as two former township Official Plans that have remained in effect in areas annexed between 1998 and 2013.
The Official Plan identifies where various land uses can be located, such as residential, commercial, institutional, employment and open space, plans for the city’s infrastructure needs, identifies and protects the City’s natural heritage system and water resources, and establishes a vision and policies for growing as a complete, vibrant, sustainable, resilient and equitable city. The new Official Plan also provides a framework for future zoning by-law regulations.
Notice of Decision
Share Notice of Decision on Facebook Share Notice of Decision on Twitter Share Notice of Decision on Linkedin Email Notice of Decision linkNOTICE OF DECISION
With respect to an Official Plan Subsection 17(34) of the Planning Act
File No.: 15-OP- 165376
Municipality: City of Peterborough
Subject Lands: All lands within City of Peterborough
Date of Decision: April 11, 2023
Date of Notice: April 11, 2023
A decision was made on April 11, 2023 to approve, with sixty-one (61) modifications, the new City of Peterborough Official Plan as adopted by By-law 21-105.
Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan
The approval of the City of Peterborough’s new Official Plan, as modified, repeals and replaces the in-effect Official Plan and all amendments thereto.
The sixty-one (61) modifications to the official plan have been made to the official plan to address provincial policy direction related to growth management, housing supply, cultural heritage resources, land use compatibility and the protection of natural heritage features and drinking water.
The City of Peterborough’s new official plan, as approved, outlines a comprehensive land use policy framework to guide growth and development within the city to the year 2051, including policies and schedules related to housing; planning for employment and infrastructure; environmental and agricultural protection; and public health and safety, among other matters.
The new official plan applies to all lands within the City of Peterborough.
Decision Final
Pursuant to subsections 17(36.5) and (38.1) of the Planning Act, the decision of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding an official plan adopted in accordance with section 26 is final and not subject to appeal. Accordingly, the new City of Peterborough Official Plan, as approved with modifications by the Minister, came into effect on April 11, 2023.
Other Related Applications
Getting Additional Information
Additional information is available on the City of Peterborough’s website:
or by contacting the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing:
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Municipal Services Office – Eastern
8 Estate Lane, Rockwood House
Kingston, Ontario K7M 9A8
Council adopts Official Plan
Share Council adopts Official Plan on Facebook Share Council adopts Official Plan on Twitter Share Council adopts Official Plan on Linkedin Email Council adopts Official Plan linkOn November 29, 2021, City Council adopted the new Official Plan through By-law Number 21-105. The Official Plan was submitted to the Province for final approval and a Notice of Adoption was issued on December 9, 2021.
Supporting information and copies of the written submissions received regarding the new Official Plan will also be sent to the Ministry for review. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the final approval authority for a new Official Plan. The Minister may decide to approve, modify and approve as modified, or refuse to approve all or parts of the adopted Official Plan. The new Official Plan or parts of the Official Plan will not come into effect until the Minister has approved, or approved as modified, all or parts of the Official Plan. The Minister’s decision will be final and not subject to appeal.
Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan
The City of Peterborough Official Plan will guide how and where the City of Peterborough grows to the year 2051. It will replace the City’s current Official Plan as well as two former township Official Plans that have remained in effect in areas annexed between 1998 and 2013. The new Official Plan will apply to the entire City of Peterborough with new land use policy and schedules (maps). The Plan identifies where various land uses can be located, such as residential, commercial, institutional, employment and open space, plans for the city’s infrastructure needs, identifies and protects the City’s natural heritage system and water resources, and establishes a vision and policies for growing as a complete, vibrant, sustainable, resilient and equitable city. The new Official Plan will also provide a framework for future zoning by-law regulations.
To view the Council-adopted Official Plan, please visit
The City would like to thank again the many people who have offered their time and feedback to the development of the new Official Plan.
Release of a revised Draft Official Plan based on community feedback
Share Release of a revised Draft Official Plan based on community feedback on Facebook Share Release of a revised Draft Official Plan based on community feedback on Twitter Share Release of a revised Draft Official Plan based on community feedback on Linkedin Email Release of a revised Draft Official Plan based on community feedback linkThe City is pleased to announce the release of a revised Draft Official Plan based on feedback received from the community. The Official Plan is a policy document prepared under the Planning Act that will set the vision and direction for growth and development to the year 2051.
Following the July 2021 release of the Draft Official Plan, the Project Team has worked to engage with community and make revisions to the document. Consultation was undertaken as follows:
- Four (4) afternoon and evening public information sessions on September 1st and 2nd, 2021;
- Presentations to the Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Peterborough Environmental Advisory Committee and Planning Advisory Committee on September 14, 15 and 16th, 2021 respectively;
- A public open house on October 21, 2021; and,
- Meetings with various agencies, advisory groups and stakeholders throughout July to October.
This version of the Draft Official Plan is available with edits shown under tracked changes. This is to allow readers to easily see where and what edits have been made to the document.
Next Steps
The Council of the City of Peterborough will hold a statutory public meeting on November 1st, 2021, where Council will hear public delegations and will consider the Plan for approval. Should Council adopt the Official Plan in November, the Plan will then be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval.
Public Open House and Statutory Public Meeting Information
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City of Peterborough Planning Division is hosting a Public Open House pursuant to Section 17(16) of the Planning Act for the Draft Official Plan. The Open House will begin with a presentation to summarize the Official Plan review process, public engagement, and the organization and content of the Draft Official Plan. The Open House will finish with time for questions.
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: On-line via Microsoft TeamsAny person may register to participate in or observe the Public Open House by emailing or by calling the Planning Division at 705-742-7777 ext. 1880. Once registered, a link to the online meeting will be sent to you by email. For those wishing to participate by telephone, dial-in details for the meeting will be provided at the time of registration.
Public Meeting
The Council of the City of Peterborough sitting as General Committee will hold a public meeting electronically, through the City’s website ( to consider the Draft Official Plan under Section 17 of the Planning Act.
Date: Monday, November 1, 2021
Time: 6:00pmAny Person may observe the Public Meeting on the City’s website:
Additionally, any person may make written or verbal representation to Council either in support of or in opposition to the Draft Official Plan as follows:
- Register as a delegate to speak at the Public Meeting by telephone. Delegations must register by 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting by phone, 705-742-7777 ext. 1820, or by registering on the city website:
- Written submissions must be received by 11:00 a.m. the day of the meeting either by mail, by dropping off to the City drop box located outside the main entrance to City Hall, 500 George Street North, or by email to (please quote “Draft Official Plan”).
Due to the nature of the meeting, unregistered delegations are not permitted.
Information session for the final draft of the Official Plan
Share Information session for the final draft of the Official Plan on Facebook Share Information session for the final draft of the Official Plan on Twitter Share Information session for the final draft of the Official Plan on Linkedin Email Information session for the final draft of the Official Plan linkThe City is pleased to host a series of online community information sessions for the Final Draft of the City’s new Official Plan. Comments have been received on the first Draft (June 2019) and the Final Draft has been prepared. Each session will begin with a presentation to summarize the process, public engagement, themes of the comments received and the organization of the Final Draft. Each session will include time for questions. You are invited to attend one of the four time slots - content will be the same in each one – by registering at:
Once registered, a link to the online meeting will be sent to you by email the day before the session.
Wednesday, September 1
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Thursday, September 2
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Release of Final Draft Official Plan
Share Release of Final Draft Official Plan on Facebook Share Release of Final Draft Official Plan on Twitter Share Release of Final Draft Official Plan on Linkedin Email Release of Final Draft Official Plan linkThe City is pleased to announce the release of a final draft of the proposed new Official Plan for the City of Peterborough. The Official Plan is a policy document prepared under the Planning Act that will set the vision and direction for growth and development to the year 2051. The new draft builds on an initial draft that was released for consultation in June 2019 by incorporating changes to address public, agency, First Nations and provincial comments, and to reflect the results of a Land Needs Assessment that determined the City’s development land requirement to 2051.
The proposed Official Plan and the final Land Needs Assessment are now available for review on the City’s website ( and through Connect Peterborough ( along with a series of matrices summarizing comments received up to June 2021 on the proposed Official Plan and the City’s response.
The City will be organizing a final series of online public information sessions throughout August and September to help build awareness of the proposed Official Plan as it moves forward to approval.
Next Steps
Following completion of a final round of community engagement through upcoming information sessions, the Official Plan will be presented to Council in October and a formal public meeting is being planned for November where Council will be available to hear public delegations and will consider the Plan for approval. Should Council adopt the Official Plan in November, the Plan will then be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval.
Information Sessions
The community is encouraged to participate in a series of online public information sessions to be held in August and September. When the details for the information sessions are finalized, they will be posted on the City’s website at, provided on the project’s engagement page at, and distributed to local media. Anyone wishing to participate can also subscribe to the City’s Official Plan blog at or to Connect Peterborough to receive notice of upcoming events.
What we heard: Summary of public engagement
Share What we heard: Summary of public engagement on Facebook Share What we heard: Summary of public engagement on Twitter Share What we heard: Summary of public engagement on Linkedin Email What we heard: Summary of public engagement link
On September 25, 2019, we released a report summarizing the comments and feedback we received on the version of the draft Official Plan that was posted in June 2019.Planning Division staff are taking the community feedback into account as they update the draft Official Plan. A new version is expected to be released by mid to late November.
See the questions and comments that were submitted on the draft Official Plan and our responses to each subject. View the what we heard report online at
Draft vision statement and guiding principles
Share Draft vision statement and guiding principles on Facebook Share Draft vision statement and guiding principles on Twitter Share Draft vision statement and guiding principles on Linkedin Email Draft vision statement and guiding principles linkDraft vision statement
Peterborough is a prosperous community, distinctive in its natural beauty, cultural heritage and strong sense of community. As a leader in environmental sustainability, growth in Peterborough uses infrastructure and land efficiently, promotes healthy lifestyles and incorporates green initiatives. The City will continue to develop as a complete, resilient and connected community that provides a high quality of life, supports a strong and diverse economy and promotes a unique, vibrant sense of place. Peterborough is equitable and accessible for all residents and visitors and celebrates its engaged, inclusive and diverse community.
Draft guiding principles
- Environmental stewardship and sustainability
- Economic strength
- Complete community
- Vibrant and unique
- Well connected with options for mobility
We held an online survey as well as community meetings to get input on the vision and guiding principles. You can see the results of those consultations in the summary report.
Bill 162, Get It Done Act, 2024
Bill 150, Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023
Who's listening
Project Timeline
Draft Official Plan released
Official Plan Update has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions.
Review of public comments
Official Plan Update has finished this stageThe commenting period is now closed. The project team will consider the comments from the last round of consultations and post the updated version of the draft Official Plan when it's ready, which is expected late-July 2021.
Late-July 2021: Updated draft Official Plan released
Official Plan Update has finished this stageThe next version of the draft Official Plan, taking into consideration the community feedback on the last version of the plan, is posted for public review.
August to September 2021: Community Consultation
Official Plan Update has finished this stageThe Project team conducts additional consultation on the next draft of the new Official Plan prior to presenting the final draft to City Council. Details and exact dates to be communicated soon.
October to December 2021: Submit draft Official Plan to City Council
Official Plan Update has finished this stageThe Project Teams hosts another public open house for the Draft Official Plan. New Official Plan is brought forward for Council's consideration and statutory public meeting is held. The adopted Official Plan is then sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final provincial approval.
April 11, 2023 - Provincial Approval
Official Plan Update has finished this stageThe Province of Ontario issues a Notice of Decision and the new Official Plan comes into effect.
December 6, 2023 - Bill 150 receives Royal Assent
Official Plan Update has finished this stageBill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 receives Royal Assent and winds back provincial changes to the City of Peterborough's new Official Plan.
May 16, 2024 - Bill 162 receives Royal Assent
Official Plan Update is currently at this stageBill 162, the Get It Done Act, 2024 receives Royal Assent on May 16, 2024 and reintroduces some of the Minister's original modifications from April 11, 2023 to the City of Peterborough's new Official Plan.
Council adopted Official Plan (November 29, 2021)
Public Information Session Recordings (September 1-2 2021)
Click here to play video Session 1 - September 1, 2021 3:00 pm Public Information Session on the Final Draft Official Plan
Click here to play video Session 2 - September 1, 2021 6:30 pm Public Information Session
Click here to play video Session 3 - September 2, 2021 3:00 pm Public Information Session 3
Click here to play video Session 4 - September 2, 2021 6:30 pm Public Information Session 4