Transportation Master Plan
Consultation has concluded
About the Transportation Master Plan
The City of Peterborough has developed a long-range master plan to guide the future of transportation City-wide. The Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Move PTBO, is a strategic document that recommends a transportation network and implementation strategy for future infrastructure projects that will support Peterborough with connectivity, growth, and mobility needs for all modes of travel to the year 2051.
The TMP highlights and builds upon the following opportunities for the City:
- Recommendation of a Hybrid Strategy that focuses on implementing active transportation, transit, and road network improvements with an emphasis on connectivity and a balanced mode share split.
- Strategies that are focused on building stronger sidewalk network connections and supporting transit priorities.
- Listing out recommended road network improvements by horizon year, in coordination with active transportation facilities, with an associated costing and proposed schedule for implementation.
- Supportive policy and programming frameworks that provide guidance around implementation of recommendations, in accordance with the City’s Official Plan and strategic directions.
- Preparation of a measuring and monitoring strategy that tracks the progress towards milestone outcomes for the City, with an opportunity to build upon progress over time.
Development of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) began in Summer 2020. During this time, the project was undertaken in five phases, with the Master Plan’s vision, objectives, and recommendations refined with contributions from public and stakeholder engagement. The “Documents” section of this webpage links to the Background documents, public engagement summaries, network mapping, and recommendations, detailing the process that was undertaken to prepare the final TMP. The final TMP was approved by Peterborough’s City Council on March 14, 2022.
The TMP development was conducted in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, Master Planning process, following the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Recommended infrastructure projects will require further detailed studies as per the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.
The final Transportation Master Plan document, with associated Appendices, is now posted in the Documents section. Project e-mail id (External link).