Home Energy Efficiency Program

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Residential street lined with homes

The City of Peterborough is accelerating climate action by targeting energy inefficiency in residential buildings by establishing the Home Energy Efficiency Program (HEEP). Low-rise residential buildings in Peterborough that are owner-occupied or rental properties are eligible to join the HEEP. To provide financial flexibility, the HEEP will use an innovative financing mechanism by offering two different loan streams to participants:

  • traditional Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)/ Local Improvement Charge (LIC) model via property taxes OR
  • unsecured loan provided directly from a partnering financial institution. 

Energy conservation measures that the HEEP will finance include:

  • air sealing and insulation
  • new windows and doors
  • air source heat pumps and hybrid air source heat pumps
  • solar panels and household energy storage

The HEEP will also finance non-energy-related work like adaptation measures around the property, home electric vehicle chargers, and cosmetic renovations that can total a maximum of 30% of the loan value.

An Emergency Heating Equipment Replacement stream will accelerate participants' accessing rapid funding to replace broken space and water heating equipment with a low-emission option.

The HEEP will be operated by a third-party organization with an Energy Coach available to answer questions and guide participants through the customer journey.

The HEEP is anticipated to launch community-wide in Spring 2025.

To receive program updates, please sign up by selecting Stay Informed at the top right side of this page.

The City of Peterborough is accelerating climate action by targeting energy inefficiency in residential buildings by establishing the Home Energy Efficiency Program (HEEP). Low-rise residential buildings in Peterborough that are owner-occupied or rental properties are eligible to join the HEEP. To provide financial flexibility, the HEEP will use an innovative financing mechanism by offering two different loan streams to participants:

  • traditional Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)/ Local Improvement Charge (LIC) model via property taxes OR
  • unsecured loan provided directly from a partnering financial institution. 

Energy conservation measures that the HEEP will finance include:

  • air sealing and insulation
  • new windows and doors
  • air source heat pumps and hybrid air source heat pumps
  • solar panels and household energy storage

The HEEP will also finance non-energy-related work like adaptation measures around the property, home electric vehicle chargers, and cosmetic renovations that can total a maximum of 30% of the loan value.

An Emergency Heating Equipment Replacement stream will accelerate participants' accessing rapid funding to replace broken space and water heating equipment with a low-emission option.

The HEEP will be operated by a third-party organization with an Energy Coach available to answer questions and guide participants through the customer journey.

The HEEP is anticipated to launch community-wide in Spring 2025.

To receive program updates, please sign up by selecting Stay Informed at the top right side of this page.

  • Impacts of Housing on GHG Emissions

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    In 2019, Peterborough City Council passed a Climate Emergency Declaration to expedite achieving the community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goal of 45% reduction by 2030 from 2011 levels. To support meeting this emission goal, low-rise residential buildings are being targeted for climate action because they represent 39% of Peterborough's total community GHG emissions. Renovating existing homes is key to limiting emissions. This can be achieved by incorporating building improvements to lessen inefficient energy and fossil fuel use. A recent building survey found that Peterborough contains the following housing profile:

    • Single-family homes represent 58% of the City’s existing housing stock
    • Most of the housing stock (65%) was built before 1980
    • Natural gas space heating accounts for more than 80% of housing-related emissions

    Reducing energy consumption from older detached homes will help in lowering community GHG emissions by using less overall energy. Transitioning away from fossil fuels for space and water heating to electric or heat pumps will also rapidly decrease housing emissions.

    Once launched, the Home Energy Efficiency Program will support participating homeowners through a financing mechanism to undertake energy renovations that will lead to a reduction in community GHG emissions.

  • Public Workshop No. 2 (Registration and Meeting Link)

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors is hosting the public workshop on Zoom.

    Register in advance for this meeting.

    When: Jun 28, 2022 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


    Dial-in number if you cannot connect to the Zoom link: 1 647 558 0588

    Meeting ID: 823 2371 5007

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • Public Workshop No. 1 (Registration and Zoom link)

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    Register in advance for this meeting.

    When: Mar 3, 2022 04:30 PM Eastern Time


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Meeting Link:

    Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors is hosting the public workshop on Zoom.

    To join the Zoom workshop click on the link below:


    Meeting ID: 894 1615 9559

    Passcode: 823054

    One tap mobile

    +14388097799,,89416159559# Canada

    +15873281099,,89416159559# Canada

    Dial by your location

    +1 647 374 4685 Canada

    +1 647 558 0588 Canada

    Meeting ID: 894 1615 9559

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdpHGIKBXr

  • Complete our homeowner and rental surveys

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Two surveys have been created to support information gathering that will be used to develop the HEEP and can be found in the Surveys tab. The first survey asks homeowners for input on general household information, experiences with home retrofits, and financing preferences. The second survey is for individuals who own rental apartments only. Refrain from taking the rental survey if you do not own a rental property.

  • Project Consultations

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Home Energy Efficiency Program has sought input from numerous community and municipal stakeholders to offer expert insight into its development. Incorporating critical stakeholder feedback into the HEEP will help avoid potential barriers to implementation.

    The following consultations have occurred to date:

    • December 10, 2021: Goal setting workshop with City staff
    • January 19, 2022: Update to City’s Chief Administrative Officer and Commissioners
    • January 19, 2022: Update to Peterborough Environmental Advisory Committee
    • February 2, 2022: Kick-off meeting with program partner working group
Page last updated: 03 Mar 2025, 01:34 PM