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Recreation and Parks Services is developing a Commemorative Tributes Policy. This policy plans to provide community members with options for personal memorials. These would include the purchase of benches with a name plaque or trees without a plaque. The memorials can recognize and honour individuals, groups, or special occasions.
The cost of the memorial tribute would be paid by the applicant. The payment would qualify for a tax receipt. The price will cover the purchase and installation of the bench or the tree, for the identified useful life of the asset.
Each year there will be a limited number of benches and trees that can purchased through this policy. The location of each personal memorial will be selected by the City and placed in parks, trails, open spaces and near waterfront.
Commemorative tributes will be in place for the duration of their useful life expectancy. Assets will be removed if deemed unsafe, have exceeded its useful life expectancy and needs replacement, or the removal is seen as necessary by the City.
This policy is separate from the Naming Policy. The Naming Policy, which is under review by the City of Peterborough, speaks to street and building naming conventions.
We are seeking feedback from the community on the Commemorative Tributes Policy. Please provide comments in the feedback form or ask a question below.
Feedback is being collected from February 3, 2025 until March 3, 2025. The draft policy is expected to be considered by Council in spring 2025.
Recreation and Parks Services is developing a Commemorative Tributes Policy. This policy plans to provide community members with options for personal memorials. These would include the purchase of benches with a name plaque or trees without a plaque. The memorials can recognize and honour individuals, groups, or special occasions.
The cost of the memorial tribute would be paid by the applicant. The payment would qualify for a tax receipt. The price will cover the purchase and installation of the bench or the tree, for the identified useful life of the asset.
Each year there will be a limited number of benches and trees that can purchased through this policy. The location of each personal memorial will be selected by the City and placed in parks, trails, open spaces and near waterfront.
Commemorative tributes will be in place for the duration of their useful life expectancy. Assets will be removed if deemed unsafe, have exceeded its useful life expectancy and needs replacement, or the removal is seen as necessary by the City.
This policy is separate from the Naming Policy. The Naming Policy, which is under review by the City of Peterborough, speaks to street and building naming conventions.
We are seeking feedback from the community on the Commemorative Tributes Policy. Please provide comments in the feedback form or ask a question below.
Feedback is being collected from February 3, 2025 until March 3, 2025. The draft policy is expected to be considered by Council in spring 2025.
A Commemorative Tribute Policy will allow for the commemoration and recognition of:
Individuals and those who have made an impact in our lives (e.g. a loved one; a special teacher, mentor, neighbour, or friend; a beloved pet).
Groups, clubs, and organizations.
Special occasions, events, experiences, and accomplishments.
A Policy will address items including the installation, maintenance and repair, and replacement of assets.
The City plans to establish a range of options that may be used as Commemorative Assets for Commemorative Tributes and will remain open to new ideas and options.
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Commemorative Tributes Policy has finished this stage
This consultation is closed for contributions.
Under Review
Commemorative Tributes Policy is currently at this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Commemorative Tributes Policy
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.