Renewable energy projects

The City of Peterborough is committed to expanding renewable energy sources within its operations. The following energy projects have been developed over the past decade.
Kinsmen Arena solar array
In August 2016, Peterborough Utilities Inc. installed 1,544 solar panel on the Kinsmen Arena roof. The project generated 535,781 kilowatt hours of renewable energy in 2018, which is the equivalent to powering 92 homes per year.
Landfill biogas generator
A biogas generator was constructed at the Peterborough landfill in 2013, in partnership with Peterborough Utilities Inc.. The biogas generator captures methane gas, a by-product of decomposing waste, and is collected through a network of pipes in the landfill to be burned. Controlled combustion of the gas produces usable electricity to power the facility and the remaining energy sold to the Ontario electrical grid. In 2018, the biogas generator produced 4,188,715 kilowatt hours of electricity, which is the equivalent electricity used by 727 homes annually. However, if the methane gas was not captured then 2,250 tCH4 (56,246 tCO2e) more GHG emissions would have been released. This is compared to present ability of the biogas collector to seize 75% of methane gas within the landfill before it releases 562 tCH4 (14,061 tCO2e) into the atmosphere.
Wastewater biogas generator
In 2016, a 380 kilowatt combined heat and power unit was installed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in collaboration with Peterborough Utilities Inc. to extract methane gas produced from the waste. The biogas generator produced 2,197,914 kilowatt hours of electricity, which is the equivalent energy used by 381 homes per year.
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