Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project

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An aerial image of Charlotte Street from Stewart Street looking west. Cars, pedestrians

The City of Peterborough is assessing Charlotte Street between Park Street North and Aylmer Street North to develop conceptual options for an enhanced streetscape design. The goal is to create a safer, more vibrant streetscape that benefits everyone.

This work builds upon past investigation and consultation work for Charlotte Street, incorporating new guidance from updated national and provincial transportation standards; recently approved City of Peterborough planning documents, including the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Cycling Master Plan, and Central Area Urban Design Guidelines, and, upcoming stakeholder consultation activities.

The goals of the project are to:

  • Integrate multi-modal transportation options (walking and rolling, cycling, transit, and driving);
  • Support sustainable, efficient, and accessible travel for all ages and abilities;
  • Balance space needs for deliveries, loading, and parking for mixed travel types;
  • Strengthen user experience and economic growth with improved amenities and wayfinding; and,
  • Encourage downtown activity through placemaking and urban design.

The Project Study Area extends from Park Street North to Aylmer Street North, as seen in the image below.

Aerial view of the Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project Study Area, showing study limits from Parks Street West to Aylmer Street WestImage: Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project Study Area

This project was initiated following recommendations of Council as outlined in Report IPSACP23-018 - Charlotte Street (Aylmer Street to Park Street) Update.

Accommodations upon Request

The City recognizes some people may not be able to use various online public engagement features. Contact the Project Team for an accommodation to access engagement tools such as the survey. It's important to receive feedback from people of all abilities to help shape the Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project. We're happy to help.

The City of Peterborough is assessing Charlotte Street between Park Street North and Aylmer Street North to develop conceptual options for an enhanced streetscape design. The goal is to create a safer, more vibrant streetscape that benefits everyone.

This work builds upon past investigation and consultation work for Charlotte Street, incorporating new guidance from updated national and provincial transportation standards; recently approved City of Peterborough planning documents, including the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Cycling Master Plan, and Central Area Urban Design Guidelines, and, upcoming stakeholder consultation activities.

The goals of the project are to:

  • Integrate multi-modal transportation options (walking and rolling, cycling, transit, and driving);
  • Support sustainable, efficient, and accessible travel for all ages and abilities;
  • Balance space needs for deliveries, loading, and parking for mixed travel types;
  • Strengthen user experience and economic growth with improved amenities and wayfinding; and,
  • Encourage downtown activity through placemaking and urban design.

The Project Study Area extends from Park Street North to Aylmer Street North, as seen in the image below.

Aerial view of the Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project Study Area, showing study limits from Parks Street West to Aylmer Street WestImage: Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project Study Area

This project was initiated following recommendations of Council as outlined in Report IPSACP23-018 - Charlotte Street (Aylmer Street to Park Street) Update.

Accommodations upon Request

The City recognizes some people may not be able to use various online public engagement features. Contact the Project Team for an accommodation to access engagement tools such as the survey. It's important to receive feedback from people of all abilities to help shape the Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project. We're happy to help.

  • CLOSED: Thank you for your interest in the Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project. This survey has concluded. Information about future public engagement will be posted to this page as it becomes available.

    The City of Peterborough invites you to complete the following survey to share feedback about Charlotte Street between Park Street North and Aylmer Street North. This survey intends to collect information about:

    1. How you use this section of Charlotte Street;
    2. Your experience while using this section of Charlotte Street; and
    3. Your ideas for the future of this important area of Peterborough's downtown.

    Your feedback will be used to help us guide the program and develop a sustainable, vibrant, and equitable streetscape solution for an inviting, active, and prosperous Charlotte Street.

    The survey is divided into three (3) key areas:

    1. Context and Background
    2. User Experience and Amenities
    3. Types of Transportation 

    The survey consists of 28 questions and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All questions are optional. If you do not wish to answer some or all of the questions you can skip a question or stop the survey any time. 

    The survey is available online until Sunday, July 28, 2024. Paper copies will also be available at City Hall and the Peterborough Public Library. Please submit your survey by Sunday, July 28, 2024. 


    This survey is being collected by the Project Team to better understand the likes, dislikes, barriers, and hopes of those living, working, visiting, and traveling through Charlotte Street. We have added demographic questions to better understand the needs of our community and who is engaging with this project. Information in this survey is gathered and used in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This is an anonymous survey. All questions are optional.


    The City recognizes some people may not be able to use various online public engagement features. Contact the Project Team at for an accommodation to access the survey. It's important to receive feedback from people of all abilities to help shape the Charlotte Street West Streetscape Project. We're happy to help.

    We thank you in advance for contributing to this process. If you have questions about the survey, please contact the Project Team at

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Page last updated: 29 Jul 2024, 07:12 AM