2024 Budget

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Consultation has concluded

People at park bench next to river

The City engages with residents to gather ideas and feedback as it drafts the budget each year for City Council’s consideration.

The City consults with the community throughout the budget process – at the beginning when setting the guidelines for the drafting of the budget, when the draft budget is released, and before Council considers approving the budget.

Each year, Council considers the needs of the community, expected service levels, and legislated responsibilities as it sets the operating and capital budgets for the City of Peterborough.

As part of the community engagement, Council holds casual drop-in-style meetings where residents can talk to Council members and City staff about budget priorities ahead of setting the guidelines for drafting the next year's budget. This year, for the first time, Council will also be holding drop-in style meetings after the draft budget is prepared to provide an opportunity for more casual conversations about what's in the draft budget as an alternative to the more formal Council meetings where residents can also appear as delegations to Council.

The City started the 2024 Budget process in March with community consultation, including a survey and public meetings. Council held Finance Committee meetings in May and June to review information and consider input from the community. In August, Council held meetings to hear detailed breakdowns of budget implications for services and capital projects before setting a guideline for putting together the Draft 2024 Budget..

Visit peterborough.ca/budget to explore budget information, including information on revenue and how the City spends money on infrastructure and services. For the capital budget, the City provides an interactive map to explore the various capital projects happening around the City.

We'll continue to update this project page throughout the 2024 Budget process. Check back for updates and details on other opportunities to engage throughout the budget process.

Thank you for joining the conversation on the 2024 Budget.

The City engages with residents to gather ideas and feedback as it drafts the budget each year for City Council’s consideration.

The City consults with the community throughout the budget process – at the beginning when setting the guidelines for the drafting of the budget, when the draft budget is released, and before Council considers approving the budget.

Each year, Council considers the needs of the community, expected service levels, and legislated responsibilities as it sets the operating and capital budgets for the City of Peterborough.

As part of the community engagement, Council holds casual drop-in-style meetings where residents can talk to Council members and City staff about budget priorities ahead of setting the guidelines for drafting the next year's budget. This year, for the first time, Council will also be holding drop-in style meetings after the draft budget is prepared to provide an opportunity for more casual conversations about what's in the draft budget as an alternative to the more formal Council meetings where residents can also appear as delegations to Council.

The City started the 2024 Budget process in March with community consultation, including a survey and public meetings. Council held Finance Committee meetings in May and June to review information and consider input from the community. In August, Council held meetings to hear detailed breakdowns of budget implications for services and capital projects before setting a guideline for putting together the Draft 2024 Budget..

Visit peterborough.ca/budget to explore budget information, including information on revenue and how the City spends money on infrastructure and services. For the capital budget, the City provides an interactive map to explore the various capital projects happening around the City.

We'll continue to update this project page throughout the 2024 Budget process. Check back for updates and details on other opportunities to engage throughout the budget process.

Thank you for joining the conversation on the 2024 Budget.

Consultation has concluded
  • 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Familiarity with the budget

    Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Familiarity with the budget on Facebook Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Familiarity with the budget on Twitter Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Familiarity with the budget on Linkedin Email 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Familiarity with the budget link

    Participants were asked a series of voluntary questions about their knowledge of the budget process, how they found out about the budget consultation, how they prefer to get information about the budget, and demographic information to help inform how the City engages with the community about the budget.

    We would like to understand how familiar the community is with the budget; this way we can work to provide the information people want and need.

    We would like to understand how familiar the community is with the budget; this way we can work to provide the information people want and need.

    Very familiar
    Somewhat familiar
    Not at all famiiar
    How familiar are you with how the City develops the annual budget? 61 228 121
    How familiar are you with how the City makes decisions about spending on programs and infrastructure each year? 70 214 123
    How familiar are you with the services and programs funded by the City of Peterborough annual budget? 107 240 62
  • 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Interest in the budget process

    Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Interest in the budget process on Facebook Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Interest in the budget process on Twitter Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Interest in the budget process on Linkedin Email 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Interest in the budget process link

    Participants were asked a series of voluntary questions about their knowledge of the budget process, how they found out about the budget consultation, how they prefer to get information about the budget, and demographic information to help inform how the City engages with the community about the budget.

    How closely do you follow/how interested are you in the creation and approval of the City's annual budget? (Scale of 1-5 with 1 being "Not at all" and 5 being "Extremely closely/extremely interested")

    How closely do you follow/how interested are you in the creation and approval of the City's annual budget? (Scale of 1-5 with 1 being "Not at all" and 5 being "Extremely closely/extremely interested")

    Percentage of responses
    5 - Extremely closely/extremely interested 75 18.3%
    4 162 39.6%
    3 113 27.6%
    2 43 10.5%
    1 - Not at all 16 3.9%
  • 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Ways to engage with residents

    Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Ways to engage with residents on Facebook Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Ways to engage with residents on Twitter Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Ways to engage with residents on Linkedin Email 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Ways to engage with residents link

    Participants were asked a series of voluntary questions about their knowledge of the budget process, how they found out about the budget consultation, how they prefer to get information about the budget, and demographic information to help inform how the City engages with the community about the budget.

    What ways would you like to be able to share comments, feedback and ideas about the City's annual budget? (please select up to three options)

    What ways would you like to be able to share comments, feedback and ideas about the City's annual budget? (please select up to three options)
    Anonymous online survey 305
    Provide feedback/ask questions on a web-based discussion forum 188
    Attend public meetings or open houses 171
    Contact via email 136
    Random telephone survey 36
    Other 11
  • 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Demographics

    Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Demographics on Facebook Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Demographics on Twitter Share 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Demographics on Linkedin Email 2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Demographics link

    Participants were asked a series of voluntary questions about their knowledge of the budget process, how they found out about the budget consultation, how they prefer to get information about the budget, and demographic information to help inform how the City engages with the community about the budget.

    Do you have a home or business in the City of Peterborough Responses Percentage of overall responses
    Home 262 64.5%
    Both 75 18.5%
    Neither 50 12.3%
    Business 19 4.7%

    Do you own or rent your current place of residence?
    Responses Percentage of overall responses
    Own 286 70.1%
    Rent 111 27.2%
    Other (e.g. live with parents, staying at a place but neither rent nor own) 11 2.7%

    In which area of the City is your home address located? (You don't need to consider any official boundaries - just choose how you identify the area where your home is located)
    Responses Percentage of overall responses
    Downtown 112 27.8%
    West end 92 22.8%
    East City 70 17.4%
    North end 68 16.9%
    South end 61 15.1%

    In which age category do you fall?
    Responses Percentage of overall responses
    80 years or older 8 2%
    70-79 years 45 11.1%
    60-69 years 66 16.3%
    50-59 years 65 16%
    40-49 years 66 16.3%
    30-39 years 105 25.9%
    20-29 years 48 11.8%
    15-19 years 3 0.7%
    Under 15 years 0 0%

    Do you identify as...? Responses Percentage of overall responses
    Female 230 56.4%
    Male 131 32.1%
    Prefer not to say 33 8.1%
    I don't identify as either male or female. I identify as... (Use the box below to specify) 14 3.4%