2024 Budget Survey - What We Heard - Service delivery

Survey participants were asked to rate municipal services based on how well they think the municipally-funded services are being delivered by indicating their response using the following scale: very satisfied, satisfied, neutral/neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, and very dissatisfied. The following categories received the most very satisfied and satisfied responses:

  • Garbage and landfill
  • Sewers, water, stormwater management
  • Recycling
  • Fire prevention, police, paramedics
  • Providing access to recreation facilities and delivering recreational programming

Please rate the following municipal services based on how well you think they are being delivered Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral/neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Sewers, water, stormwater management
60 205 121 13 12
Fire prevention, police, paramedics
60 176 120 45 11
Arts, culture, and heritage (e.g. libraries, museums, art galleries, heritage preservation and associated programs)
35 114 124 94 41
Garbage and landfill
39 232 101 34 5
36 213 110 42 6
Providing access to recreation facilities and delivering recreational programming (e.g. arenas, sport fields, and swimming lessons)
35 186 149 35 4
Providing and maintaining parks and green spaces
30 180 106 71 22
Enabling affordable housing
7 26 67 132 177
Permits, inspections, and enforcement (including building permits for renovations, business licences, etc.)
14 85 268 29 11
Social services (e.g. client program and supports, costs to deliver financial assistance, homelessness services, and children's services)
8 46 112 125 118
Planning for and managing residential, commercial and industrial development
14 65 231 71 25
Providing active transportation infrastructure for walking and cycling (e.g. trails, sidewalks and cycling lanes)
24 136 124 92 32
Providing transportation infrastructure for transit and vehicles (e.g. roads and bridges)
19 87 142 98 63
Environmental protection, support for green projects (e.g. grants, waste reduction programs, low-impact development, energy efficiency)
14 71 175 114 35
Managing tax dollars
15 63 174 87 68
Promoting economic development (i.e. public, business and non-governmental sector partners working collectively to better conditions for economic growth and employment generation)
20 66 235 60 25
Providing information, customer service, and public engagement (e.g. responding to phone calls and emails in a timely manner, holding public consultation meetings, sharing information on website)
23 110 206 51 18
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