2023 Budget
Consultation has concluded
The City engages with residents to gather ideas and feedback as it drafts the budget each year for City Council’s consideration.
The City consults with the community throughout the budget process – at the beginning when setting the guidelines for the drafting of the budget, when the draft budget is released, and before Council considers approving the budget.
Each year, Council considers the needs of the community, expected service levels, and legislated responsibilities as it sets the operating and capital budgets for the City of Peterborough.
As part of the community engagement, Council typically holds casual drop-in-style meetings in each of the five wards of the City to give residents an opportunity to talk to Council members and City staff about the City's budget process ahead of setting the guidelines for drafting the next year's budget. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the drop-in meetings are being held online and by phone.
A brief survey was also provided as another way for residents and businesses to provide input into the creation of the guidelines for the 2023 Budget. A summary of the input provided through the brief survey is included in the 2023 Budget Survey: What We Heard document. The budget guidelines provide direction on the creation of the Draft 2023 Budget.
The Draft 2023 Budget documents were publicly posted and presented to Council in December 2022.
We'll continue to update this project page throughout the 2023 Budget process. Check back for updates and details on other opportunities to engage throughout the budget process.
Thank you for joining the conversation on the 2023 Budget.
The City engages with residents to gather ideas and feedback as it drafts the budget each year for City Council’s consideration.
The City consults with the community throughout the budget process – at the beginning when setting the guidelines for the drafting of the budget, when the draft budget is released, and before Council considers approving the budget.
Each year, Council considers the needs of the community, expected service levels, and legislated responsibilities as it sets the operating and capital budgets for the City of Peterborough.
As part of the community engagement, Council typically holds casual drop-in-style meetings in each of the five wards of the City to give residents an opportunity to talk to Council members and City staff about the City's budget process ahead of setting the guidelines for drafting the next year's budget. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the drop-in meetings are being held online and by phone.
A brief survey was also provided as another way for residents and businesses to provide input into the creation of the guidelines for the 2023 Budget. A summary of the input provided through the brief survey is included in the 2023 Budget Survey: What We Heard document. The budget guidelines provide direction on the creation of the Draft 2023 Budget.
The Draft 2023 Budget documents were publicly posted and presented to Council in December 2022.
We'll continue to update this project page throughout the 2023 Budget process. Check back for updates and details on other opportunities to engage throughout the budget process.
Thank you for joining the conversation on the 2023 Budget.
Draft 2023 Budget presentation
Share Draft 2023 Budget presentation on Facebook Share Draft 2023 Budget presentation on Twitter Share Draft 2023 Budget presentation on Linkedin Email Draft 2023 Budget presentation linkPeterborough, ON - The City of Peterborough’s Draft 2023 Budget has been posted at peterborough.ca/budget for public review ahead of City Council’s budget deliberations in January 2023.
Council received a presentation on the Draft 2023 Budget at its meeting on Monday, December 5, 2022.
Council will hold a public meeting to hear from the community on the Draft 2023 Budget on Monday, January 9, 2023 before holding its budget deliberations on January 16 to 19, 2023.
Council is expected to consider approving the City’s 2023 Budget at its meeting on January 30, 2023.
For information on how to register as a delegation at a Council meeting, please visit peterborough.ca/delegation or call the City Clerk’s Office at 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.
The Draft Operating Budget includes $326.6 million for programs and services, such as waste management, road maintenance, wastewater sewers and treatment, social assistance, affordable housing, recreation, arts and heritage, fire services, and policing.
The 2023 budget was developed with assumptions about current economic forecasts from the banking and business sectors and inflationary pressures. The best information available at the time was used as the basis; however there are elements of the budget that contain an elevated level of risk related to the projections.
The Draft Capital Budget includes $131.2 million for various infrastructure and capital projects such as road work, a household organic waste composting facility and collection equipment, flood reduction efforts, facility maintenance, funding for the planned replacement of a fire station, sanitary sewer repairs, construction of a new twin-pad arena, and police capital projects.
The Draft 2023 Budget includes a proposed 4% increase in the all-inclusive property tax rate. The proposed increase would equate to an additional $5.63 monthly or an additional $67.61 annually per $100,000 of residential assessment.
Council approved the guidelines for creating the Draft 2023 Budget at its meeting on July 25, 2022 following a series of community consultation meetings, a survey, a public budget meeting, and a Council meeting when residents could present to Council on the budget guidelines. A What We Heard document that summarizes the survey submissions is available on Connect Peterborough, the City’s online community engagement hub, at connectptbo.ca/2023Budget.
2023 Budget process
March 17, 2022 – 2023 Budget survey opens
March-April 2022 – A series of five drop-in style consultation meetings
April 29, 2022 – 2023 Budget survey closes
June 22, 2022 – Public meeting on draft budget guidelines
July 25, 2022 – Council approves guidelines for creation of the Draft 2023 Budget
December 5, 2022 – Council receives Draft 2023 Budget documents and Draft Budget is posted for public review
January 9, 2023 – Public meeting on Draft 2023 Budget
January 10, 2023 - Finance Committee meeting to receive presentations from Local Board and Agencies
January 16-19, 2023 – Finance Committee meetings to review Draft 2023 Budget
January 30, 2023 – Council considers approving 2023 Budget
2023 Budget drop-in meetings
Share 2023 Budget drop-in meetings on Facebook Share 2023 Budget drop-in meetings on Twitter Share 2023 Budget drop-in meetings on Linkedin Email 2023 Budget drop-in meetings linkCommunity engagement opportunities for the City of Peterborough's 2023 Budget
Peterborough, ON - Join the conversation on the creation of the City of Peterborough’s 2023 Budget by participating in one of five upcoming drop-in meetings held online and by phone as well as through a community survey.
The survey is available online at connectptbo.ca/2023budget or paper copies can be picked up at City Hall, 500 George St. N. The survey is open from March 17 until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 29, 2022.
The drop-in meetings will include a brief presentation on the City’s budget process followed by an opportunity for residents to share their ideas for the 2023 Budget with Council members, City staff, and other residents.
While the drop-in meetings are scheduled for each of the City’s five wards with Councillors attending the drop-in meeting for their wards, the meetings are open to all residents regardless of where they live in the City.
The City consults with the community throughout the budget process – at the beginning when setting the guidelines for the drafting of the budget, when the draft budget is released, and before Council considers approving the budget.
A report on the proposed guidelines for drafting the 2023 Budget is expected to be considered by Council in June. The Draft 2023 Budget is scheduled to be posted for public review in December ahead of Council’s budget deliberations in January 2023.
Budget community virtual drop-in meetings
Thursday, March 31, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Ashburnham Ward drop-in meeting
- Online via Microsoft Teams
- By phone: 1-833-651-1158, Conference ID: 978 845 721#
Thursday, April 7, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Otonabee Ward drop-in meeting
- Online: connectptbo.ca/2023Budget
- By phone: 1-833-651-1158, Conference ID: 281 024 905#
Thursday, April 14, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Monaghan Ward drop-in meeting
- Online: connectptbo.ca/2023Budget
- By phone: 1-833-651-1158, Conference ID: 723 664 450#
Thursday, April 21, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Town Ward drop-in meeting
- Online: via Microsoft Teams
- By phone: 1-833-651-1158, Conference ID: 894 442 237#
Thursday, April 28, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Northcrest Ward drop-in meeting
- Online: via Microsoft Teams
- By phone: 1-833-651-1158, Conference ID: 304 184 881#
2023 Budget consultation key dates
- Budget survey launches – March 17, 2022
- Budget drop-in meeting – March 31, 2022
- Budget drop-in meeting – April 7, 2022
- Budget drop-in meeting – April 14, 2022
- Budget drop-in meeting – April 21, 2022
- Budget drop-in meeting – April 28, 2022
- Budget survey closes – April 29, 2022
- Public meeting on Draft Budget Guideline – June 22, 2022
- Draft 2023 Budget released for public review – December 5, 2022
- Public meeting on Draft 2023 Budget – January 9, 2023
- Finance Committee budget deliberations – January 16-19, 2023
- City Council considers approving 2023 Budget – January 30, 2023
“The City’s annual budget reflects our community’s investments in services and infrastructure each year. Our community should be proud of the level of services it provides, but we know there’s always more to do. Our community’s needs and wants exceed our community’s ability to pay each year, which makes our conversations on the budget so meaningful. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and join one of the drop-in meetings,” said Councillor Keith Riel, Finance Committee Chair.
“Budget talks are really about the services and infrastructure investments by the City on behalf of its residents and businesses. Property tax dollars support priorities such as housing, climate change, flood reduction, social services, economic development, roads, and investments in quality of life. Citizen input in the budget process will help Council set the direction for our City,” said Councillor Gary Baldwin, Finance Committee Vice-Chair.
Click here to play video 2023 Budget drop-in meeting, Town Ward, April 21, 2022
Click here to play video 2023 Budget drop-in meeting for Monaghan Ward on April 14 2023 Budget drop-in meeting for Monaghan Ward on April 14
Click here to play video 2023 Budget drop-in meeting Otonabee Ward, April 7, 2022
Click here to play video 2023 Budget drop-in meeting Ashburnham Ward drop-in meeting, March 31, 2022
Key dates
March 17 2022
March 31 2022
April 07 2022
April 14 2022
April 21 2022
April 28 2022
April 29 2022
June 22 2022
December 05 2022
January 09 2023
January 16 → January 19 2023
January 30 2023
Who's listening
Treasurer and Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services
City of Peterborough
Email bwedley@peterborough.ca
Project timeline
2023 Budget is currently at this stageThis consultation is open for contributions.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for 2023 BudgetContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for 2023 BudgetThe final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.