Climate Change and Sustainability

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Four photos: rain barrel, cyclist, trees, solar panels.

Climate Change and Sustainability is a forum to allow for shared ideas among residents, businesses, and city staff to advance sustainability and climate action goals.

To achieve success in limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to an altering local climate, we need our whole community to be part of the solution. The City of Peterborough is committed to protecting our community, its economy, and its environment from climate change.

Get Involved!

We invite you to use this forum to stay informed and share your ideas by connecting with your fellow community members. There are several ways to provide input by filling out the Surveys, Share Ideas, and Open Comment tabs.

Everyone in Peterborough has a part to play to prevent climate change from accelerating and impacting our city. The municipality is stepping up to the plate to support residents and businesses transitioning to low-carbon lifestyles and business practices. We want to work with individuals who are changing lifestyles, making improvements at home or work, and recognizing that a more sustainable community is better for everyone and the planet.

Climate Change and Sustainability is a forum to allow for shared ideas among residents, businesses, and city staff to advance sustainability and climate action goals.

To achieve success in limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to an altering local climate, we need our whole community to be part of the solution. The City of Peterborough is committed to protecting our community, its economy, and its environment from climate change.

Get Involved!

We invite you to use this forum to stay informed and share your ideas by connecting with your fellow community members. There are several ways to provide input by filling out the Surveys, Share Ideas, and Open Comment tabs.

Everyone in Peterborough has a part to play to prevent climate change from accelerating and impacting our city. The municipality is stepping up to the plate to support residents and businesses transitioning to low-carbon lifestyles and business practices. We want to work with individuals who are changing lifestyles, making improvements at home or work, and recognizing that a more sustainable community is better for everyone and the planet.

Final thoughts on the climate

If you have any final thoughts on climate change or climate action in Peterborough, please leave a respectful comment in the guestbook.    

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I expect Peterborough will be going to clear PLASTIC garbage bags soon. I suggest we skip the plastic bags altogether and encourage paper bags for garbage and use garbage cans, preferably metal, again, NOT plastic. At least paper bags will break down in the landfill. Not impossible, we use paper for green waste after all. I detest plastic.

Canadian over 1 year ago
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An article describing Carbon removal from the air.

An article describing a new automobile tire from Michelin.

Herb over 2 years ago
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By using municipal assets, budget priorities and economic development for Local Distributive Renewable Power Generation (an extension of Fit and Micro Fit) residents become more locally energy secure and new energy enterprises encouraged.

CL about 3 years ago
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By a source of local, public funding for Economic Localization. e.g. a Public Trust or bank owned by the local community for ventures in environment, energy, economy. A Committee of both Councils to assess/test its feasibility and to scour the Municipal Act for opportunities. SEE Eligible Investments and forward rate agreements, s. 418 of Municipal Act, O. Reg. 43/18, s. 2. and 2.1.

CL about 3 years ago
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By Budget Reform including co-ordinated Watershed budgeting for best use of resources with aim of funding economic infrastructure as well as physical infrastructure to build local climate security in life essentials produced in this region e.g. food, energy

CL about 3 years ago
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Envision City & County as one economic & environmental Watershed that must build LOCAL SECURITY & RESILIENCE fast by securing life essentials: food, energy, water wellness and culture = LOCALIZE them as much as possible.
How? By redefining & coordinating City and County roles & actions administratively, technically and economically toward the highest climate resilience possible (the Vision).

CL about 3 years ago
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Wetlands should receive greater buffers. All wetlands should be assumed to be provincially significant before development. All development should be avoided with in or near all wetlands and there should be a net wetland gain policy for all types of wetland. All bogs and fens regardless of size as well as vernal pools should not have development within 120 meters.

Robert Gibson about 3 years ago
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Philip is right the system is broken and any new initiative seems like a bandaid to the old way. For example why does the city plan to buy new diesel trucks for the green waste program? its because the landfill will be full if we dont separate wet from garbage. Perhaps some discussion with the companies that are producing the waste packaging and whatnot would make sense. Guy is right 2 no action

Graeme Marrs about 3 years ago
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To CL: another source is the 2020 book, "Choosing Earth: Humanity's Great Transition to a Mature Planetary Civilization," by Duane Elgiin, a practical visionary of long-standing.

P:hilip Kienholz about 3 years ago
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To CL: Advocate for system reorganization, citing impossibility of current structural forms to address impending crises. Possibly a government commons where open debate is unrestricted by assigned roles and follow-up into action is possible. See "Sweden's ministry for the future: how governments should think strategically and act horizontally," Centre for Public Impact, on line, no room for URL

P:hilip Kienholz about 3 years ago
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It is hard to find a clear SYSTEMIC approach. Challenge is the close interrelatedness of all climate aspects. How can staff get Council to take CCAP more seriously? What get done ahead of ("for info" Rpts) Budget cycle?
Examine RFPs for "leading" adaptation.
Report on what could happen if we DON"T make climate survivability the main city organizing principle?

CL about 3 years ago
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Need more space for ideas! Stovepiping municipal initiatives and issues contradicts a systemic approach required for adequate response to a multi-formed crisis that extends beyond "climate change." Interconnected and needing simultaneous consideration are collapse, species diversity, gross human inequities, and what paradigm or archetype can replace an economy destroying the earth.

P:hilip Kienholz about 3 years ago
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Under Key Household Actions: Why limit survey takers to just three key household actions? Why not have them check off as many as possible? I would check off all of them. Also, why ask what actions people are "considering". Why not "actions you have taken." We are in a climate emergency! Past the point of "considering." We need to all be thinking in terms of action now--including the city!

Tricia Clarkson about 3 years ago
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18 months after declaring a climate emergency and what do we have? A web site and a funding request to CFM to do a study to see how we can inform our citizens about the programs available to retrofit their homes. Is that what you do when your house is on fire? Apply for funds to hire a consultant to do a study to find the nearest fire hydrant? Sorry for being so crabby, but this box is out of spa

Guy Hanchet about 3 years ago
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Page last updated: 17 Jan 2023, 01:10 PM