What is a Transportation Master Plan (TMP)?

    A TMP is a long-range plan that integrates transportation infrastructure needs for existing and future land uses based on environmental assessment (EA) planning principles.  TMPs examine a transportation system or group of related projects to outline a framework for planning for subsequent projects and/or developments.  Preparing a TMP for the east side of the City will help to establish the need and justification for specific transportation projects and will outline a set of recommended transportation improvements throughout a study area which can be implemented over time.  At minimum, TMPs address Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.

    What is the scope of the Eastside Transportation Study?

    The Eastside Transportation Study will assess transportation infrastructure needs and priorities associated with development planned east of the Trent Severn Waterway and growth within the east portion of the City.  This study will include recommendations for improvements to the roadway and active transportation network within (and potentially beyond) the study area.  This study will also consider the potential need for improvements to the existing crossing of the Trent Severn Waterway in the vicinity of McFarlane Street.  The East Side TMP will be completed in accordance with Approach #1 of the Master Planning process, as outlined in Appendix 4 of the Municipal Class EA document.

    To support development within the Liftlock Secondary Plan Area, improvements to Ashburnham Drive may be required to accommodate planned growth, including a possible realignment of the existing roadway, and extension from McFarlane Avenue to Parkhill Road East.  The findings of the East Side Transportation Study are expected to confirm the need for these modifications, at which time the City may proceed with Phases 3 and 4 of the Municipal Class EA process to complete the planning and redesign of Ashburnham Drive.  

    How can I get involved in the study?

    Consultation is key to the Municipal Class EA planning process and opportunities to share information will be offered throughout the study. Opportunities to review study information and to provide your feedback will be provided as the study progresses.

    How can I reach the study team?

    Should you have any comments or questions, and/or wish to receive future notifications regarding this study, please email the study team (EastSideTS@peterborough.ca) or contact:

    Gene Chartier, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., FITE

    Vice President and Chief Development Officer

    Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited

    Tel: 416.479.9684 ext. 501


    Robert Dunford

    Senior Project Manager

    City of Peterborough Transportation Division

    705742-7777 ext. 1867

    One of the road network improvements proposed as part of the new transportation plan is a bridge over the Otonabee River, connecting Sherbrooke and Maria streets. Why is this location being eyed for a new bridge crossing?

    Peterborough is expected to grow considerably over the next 30 years. There are a limited number of bridges that cross the Otonabee River, and forecasts of future travel demand developed through the City-wide Transportation Master Plan, and confirmed through the Eastside Transportation Study, indicate that virtually all of the river crossings on City roads will be over capacity by 2051. Planned widening of the existing bridge on Nassau Mills Road, is being considered in the North End Environmental Assessment project and will address one of the deficient river crossings, but has little benefit to the crossings to the south.

    The Eastside Transportation study assessed various options to add capacity including widening the Parkhill Road bridge, widening the Hunter Street bridge, widening the Lansdowne Street bridge or adding a new bridge crossing of the Otonabee River.   The best long-term network performance was found with a combination of projects including widening the Parkhill Road bridge across the Otonabee River to 4 lanes, and the addition of a new crossing connecting Sherbrooke Street to Maria Street, combined with an extension of Maria Street east to Television Road.  Not only does this address the long-term capacity needs to serve east-west travel across the Otonabee River, but creating a new continuous arterial road connection across the City provides a number of benefits in terms emergency access, support for enhanced transit service, managing truck access into the downtown, and continued growth of new development in the southern portion of the downtown area. As this is a 30 year plan, the various road network improvements would be implemented in phases as needs evolve over time. 

    On the draft list of road network improvement projects, the bridge over the Otonabee River connecting Sherbrooke Street to Maria Street is described as: "Corridor Protection - New 4 lane Arterial (Bridge Crossing)". What does corridor protection mean?

    The Sherbrooke Street-Maria Street proposed bridge project has been identified as a long term need that may arise towards the end of the 2051 planning horizon.  Corridor protection is term used in the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and in the City’s Official Plan that describes efforts that the City would use to designate lands for a new transportation corridor, prohibit future land use applications or other changes to infrastructure that might conflict with a proposed new corridor, and if necessary purchase the necessary lands for a new corridor to ensure that the land is available in the event a decision is made to construct a new transportation facility if the need arises in the future. Protecting a corridor does not guarantee a new road will be built, but ensures development or other changes in land use do not preclude the opportunity to build a needed road in the future.

    What would happen to the Maria Street swing bridge if the Sherbrooke Street – Maria Street bridge project were to go ahead?

    The Eastside Transportation Study has identified a need, and has assessed a number of possible solutions, but has not gone to the level of detail to assess the design features of the proposed project.  The need for a potential widening of Maria Street to 4 lanes has been identified as part of the longer term plan to support the new crossing, and this would likely be the point at which a new type of bridge would need to be considered for the Maria Street crossing of the Trent Canal.

    Prior to a new bridge being constructed, the City would need to complete an Environmental Assessment Study to develop more detailed plans for such a project, and assess measures needed to mitigate or avoid potential adverse impacts. A future Environmental Assessment Study would look at a range of issues in more detail including the need to widen Maria Street to four lanes, the design and configuration of a new bridge, changes to intersections and existing entrances, and if there is a need to replace or widen the Maria Street bridge across the Trent Canal.  Additional consultation activities would be incorporated into a future Environmental Assessment Study to allow for community and stakeholder input to the planning and design process.

    If the Maria Street swing bridge is replaced, what kind of crossing would be built there?

    This would be examined as part of a future Environmental Assessment for this particular project.

    As part of the transportation master plan process, has a potential route been identified for the new VIA rail line that will pass through Peterborough?

    No.  The City is aware that Via Rail is considering implementation of their High Frequency Rail project, and that the project team for this federal initiative will be commencing their required planning process for this project in the near future. It is anticipated that the Via Rail project will include consultation with communities along the route and other stakeholder groups that may have an interest in the project. Use of the existing CP Rail corridor through the City is one route option that we anticipate will be considered during their project.

    Is the city considering also using the proposed bridge over the Otonabee River at Maria Street for the VIA rail line?

    It is too early to speculate on the feasibility of this idea, but it may be considered as Via Rail and the City undertake their respective planning projects.